As Promised, 2013 and the world is listening !! Posted January 7, 2013 by Norrms


AS PROMISED !! The World is Listening  !!!!!  And it`s 2013 !!!

Hiya all, last week I received this E Mail from America,  I must admit these are two of my favourite poems as well, hope you like them, Norrms and family

Happy New Year to you! And thank you for your constant positive energy toward educating the world about dementia!

I am a nurse and a teacher who is committed to and passionate about helping others learn about dementia and how to assist a person with dementia to really live – honoring choice and who the person really is.

 What I am hoping is that you will allow the company that I work for – Regency Pacific Management located in Bellevue, Washington, USA – to include two of your poems in our dementia care training program that I am developing and them implementing. Regency Pacific manages 55 communities in 5 states (Oregon, Washington, Idaho, California, and Hawaii) and provides assisted living, nursing home, and memory care. Your poems would help staff and families understand the lived experience of someone with dementia. Your words are so powerful! I would like to be able to share your poems in their entirety, and also pull out some key phrases in the training.  I have attached the two poems that I am interested in including.  The titles of the poems are 1) I’m Still Me, and 2) Hear My Cry’s.

Thanks again and I am so excited to be in contact with you!

Warmly, Cynthia




Hello old friend, sit next to me,

I`m still the man I used to be,

Do you remember way back when?

We played with sticks and built a Den?

And how we ran through cobbled streets,

Drinking Tizer and eating sweets,

The times we had without a care,

Times that I would like to share,

Its yesterday that troubles me,

I can’t remember, do you see?

I can remember long ago,

But just last night it isn’t so,

But even though my memory`s fading,

Like winter leaves that are shading,

Recent thought`s inside my head,

Now gone forever, almost dead,

But look in my eyes and you will see,

I`m still the man I used to be,

Please old friend, sit next to me

                                                                                                -Norms McNamara



Hear My Cry’s 

Voice`s fading, not through age,

Dementia building it`s sound proof cage,

Listening in but nothing out,

Unable to talk but able to shout,

Frustration runs through every bone,

Feeling so empty, always alone,

Hear me cry, silently so,

One day happy, then so low,

I`m still me, deep inside,

Nothing to fear, nothing to hide,

 Unable to say what`s on my mind

To those I love, to one so kind,

Hear my cry`s, I’m still here

See my eyes fill with tears,

Until the day we meet again,

And walk among the sunny glen,

Know my heart is always yours,

Until the closing of life`s door`s


Norrms McNamara



  • Barnabas Bafana January 7, 2013 at 4:45 pm

    I’m always inspired by your commitement and diligence. Never mind what you go through, you are serving your purpose according to HIS will. And you do it with zeal and aplomb. Thanx to & for you. GOD bless you .


  • January 7, 2013 at 10:50 pm

    Beautiful heartfelt poems thank you for sharing with the world to help ppl to understand this illness that effects someone we all know…x


  • Sue Leam January 8, 2013 at 2:53 pm

    Beautiful poems Norrms – very much like my Mum is although she’s fading fast now. Thank you xxx


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