Educating Nurses In Dementia Posted May 5, 2013 by Norrms


Please share / RT  with Every health Authourity and care organisation in the land!!!
here is the proof, here is the “EVIDENCE they all keep talking about !! This is the way forward to DE-STIGMATISE this awful disease.

Hi, if anybody EVER doubted the power of people speaking about thier own experiences with Dementia and their carers then please read this. This is some of the feedback we got from a presentation given to first year NURSING students last week, the exact same people we should ALL be speaking to,not only to de-stigmatise this awful disease but to blow away any preconceptions they may have had about people with Dementia all being in late stages and not having a story to tell before they get there!!!! 
I feel so strongly about this and would like to ask all my wonderful friends to copy/ re- tweet ect to every NHS health site and nursing site they know, and i promise a copy of this is being sent to my friends in our local hospital of Torbay and my great friends around the cottage hospitals here in Devon!! We have changed the minds of so many 2nd year Paramedics and first year nursing students in the last two weeks and taught them that there really is a person behind this disease, especially as by the time they usually get to see them they are usually in the later stages.
All this is connected to the Dementia Aware community the Torbay Dementia Action Alliance has strived to achieve and just proves with even someone WITH Dementia at the helm what CAN BE achieved!!! so mnthe question is my friends,
What Can You Do ??
Very best wishes, Norrms and family
Here are a few comments
Thank you so much  – to you, George, Norman (and his wife), and Keith for the excellent session you all provided today. You all made such a significant impact into our insight about people affected with and by dementia, and I know you have positively inspired these 1st year nursing students about some of these important issues.
As you know, today was the last taught day of this module. You will not be surprised that you were all awarded many outstanding “gold stars” in the students’ overall module evaluation commentary, and several expressed their appreciation to me after you had finished.
This emailed quote from a student today captures the flavour of the comments:

Please do share this feedback with your co-presenters below.
“It was without doubt one of the most inspirational sessions I have attended regarding the effects of dementia.
“Hey thank you for taking the time to see us all, was truly inspirational and throughly enjoyed by everyone x”
“Such a touching lecture. It was inspiring. Thank you”
“Hearing your experiences was fantastic! You truly are an inspiration”
 ”I want to say thank you so much for today’s lecture hearing your story, George’s and Keith’s made the lecture incredibly emotional and real which is what I feel dementia awareness needs! Thank you for all the work you and your friends are doing to secure more awareness and much needed funds for research. It’s inspirational to me how you are turning your own personal knowledge of the disease to help and support so many others! Amazing”
 ”It was really inspiring :) thank you !”
 ”You were amazing today Norman ! So inspirational :-)
“This was by far one of my favorite learning oportunities this year :) was amazing :) thank you x”
“Thank you Norman for todays lecture…learnt so much.”
“Today’s lecture was so inspirational! Learnt so much! Thank you”
 ”Yesterday was truly amazing. Everyone was saying how it was the best lecture of the year and how eye opening it was. Thank you for taking time out to talk to us. X”
“It was brilliant, thank you very much ”
 ”It was so good to meet you yesterday and hear your story. I learnt so much from George, Keith, Ian and yourself and was thoroughly moved and inspired by it all. Thank you for sharing it with us xx”
“Thanks Norm, it was great to meet you and your wife and hear your story. An interest and personal experience of dementia was one of the reasons I came into nursing and I would very much like to specialise in it when I qualify and am keen to learn as much about it as I can :-)
“It was wonderful to meet you all yesterday, I think we all took a lot away from listening to you all, thank you.”
“Yes it was a truly inspirational talk that brought a lot of us to tears. What a great way to tell your story thank you again ”
“Just the most inspiring, touching and informative lecture I have ever had! I only wish it could be given to everyone in healthcare”
“Hi Norm! I am one of the student nurses you spoke to on Thursday in Plymouth and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you. You are a real inspiration and I learnt so much about the reality of dementia. Thank you so much for sharing your story x”
Thank you so much for coming in & speaking to us! It was by far one of the best lectures that I’ve been too, I thoroughly enjoyed it & wish all lectures were like that!”


  • May 5, 2013 at 9:10 pm

    Hi Norm,
    Congratulations on getting out there and talking with with the next generation of nurses about Dementia from the perspective of the person living with it. It seems you managed to get educate and illuminate.

    I’ve re-posted this article for you on our website and Facebook page. ()

    Keep up the great work :)


  • Norrms May 6, 2013 at 8:01 am

    Thank you John, much appreciated , Norrms and family


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