Hiya, please take a look at the link below and see how many Businesses around Torbay alone are now Dementia friendly, 1,000 HERE WE COME !!
(i am on left of PM)
Multiply this by the amount of staff who are employed by those involved and we are taking about thousands and thousands of people. Two weeks ago as you know we also appointed 50 Purple Angel Ambassadors around the world to do the same and already have the starting list of the next 50 !!! This work is not justy happening in Torbay but over huge swathes of the UK as well as in many many countries across the world.
I would just like to explode an Urban Myth
” We do not just go into shops and drop the poster with all the great information off and give them a Purple Angel at the same time, and thats it!! This doesnt happen”
What we do is go into individual shops, speak to the managers and ask them to make sure ALL staff read and understand the poster. Then the manager will ask all staff to sign to say they have read this. It will also be entered into their own health and safety training books so new employees receive the same training.
As for the hospitals we make sure 95% of all staff including cleaners, house keeping, Tradesmen etc as well as hospital staff are trained up via the RCN Space dementia training package before they are accredited the Purple angel logo.
For very large companies we have introduced a Toll Box training Kit which can be obtained from Tor 2 Torbay
I hope this explodes the myth that we are just signing up people without there being thought and hard work behind it as well as measuring what happens after. All this has been done at very very little cost and the reason why its working so well is because we have asked the people on the ground to be in charge of their own ideas, to implement what they know will work because of their experience in care work. This is a community led campaign which is growing in Stature every day, and this is purely down to the hard work of those who care and know whats best.
If you want to know more, please e mail me on
Thank you so much xxxxxxxxxxx