SATURDAY We Dragged Dementia KICKING and Screaming out of the 18th / 19th / 20th century, into the 21st century and laid it bare for all to see it for it really is!! A Disease of the brain and NOT SOMETHING TO BE LAUGHED AT !!!!!!!!!
Last Saturday, 50 Dementia awareness Ambassadors came from all over the world, by Planes, Trains and Automobiles as well as Skype to make the world a better place for those with dementia, their Carers, and their loves ones to live in, WHY ? because 50 ordinary, hard working people decided to come to Torbay UK and become the First ever GLOBAL Dementia awareness Ambassadors. These wonderful people, who are just like you and me, came together for one reason and one reason only. To meet, to share ideas and to become friends so that each and every one of them can go back to their countries, towns, cities villages etc and create a dementia friendly communities where people who have been touched in any way by this awful disease can live a better quality of life.
We have carers, family members, solicitors, health workers and of course people living with Dementia. People from all walks of life who came together on this special day to make friends, create bonds that will never be broken and to drag DEMENTIA kicking and screaming out of the shadows and into the 21st century!! This year of 2013 has been one incredible year!! No doubt about that!! Just wait and see what 2014 BRINGS!!!!
As someone myself who is living with this disease i stood in AWE as i watched history being made, i stood, staring in amazement as people arrived from all over the globe just to come to this wonderful inauguration, and i stood watching with absolute admiration as friendships were made and a will and determination was shown to take things forward from this day, from this wonderful wonderful day!!
Norrms Mc Namara (diagnosed with dementia 6 years ago and still fighting it!!)
P.S MORE Purple Angel Ambassadors will be recruited in the new year, please contact or if you just want to make a difference in your town or city and receive FREE posters and window stickers explaining what to do, please just e mail the same address. If you want to e mail myself for a guide to creating Dementia friendly communities please e mail
Chris Hodge November 18, 2013 at 10:22 am
It was an absolute pleasure to be there amongst like-minded caring individuals. Every single person there is a true inspiration and has demonstrated that there is kindness, love and hope left in a world torn by so many things. Together we unite, together we are strong.
Let the good times begin and I look forward to our next meeting and sharing ideas via social media
DEMENTIA - HISTORY IS MADE - Torbay Dementia Ac... November 18, 2013 at 4:28 pm
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November 18, 2013 at 4:30 pm
Thank you Norm and Elaine, Lawrence Kelly CEO Ostrich Care together with all staff who made this a very special event!
Linda Skipper November 18, 2013 at 4:47 pm
It was a humbling sight – all those people, all wanting to help raise awareness – I am so very grateful that I can be part of something that might mean other Carers of people with Dementia, and the ones they care for, get the help and support they need
November 20, 2013 at 10:41 am
It means so much to be part of this. Together we will make a difference. It was a very special day and thank you to everybody for all the work that has been done around the country and world up to date.
Norrms November 20, 2013 at 3:52 pm
yes we will my wonderful friends xxxxxxxxxxxx
Bridie Breen November 20, 2013 at 9:23 pm
Still buzzing after a memorable weekend. Wonderfully hosted by Ostrich Care and I am so happy to be part of this worthwhile raising awareness in dementia campaign. Let the Purple Angels fly all over.